2022 Northeast Ohio Private Pesticide Applicator Re-Certification and Commercial Fertilizer Applicator Re-Certification Trainings
To register for a session, complete the REGISTRATION FORM, make check payable to OSU Extension and mail to:
Trumbull County OSU Extension, 520 West Main Street, Suite 1, Cortland, Ohio 44410
You can also register and pay via credit or debit card at this link: https://go.osu.edu/2022recertificationpatfact
Private Pesticide Applicator Re-certification:
Does your Private Pesticide Applicator’s License expire on March 31, 2022? If so, OSU Extension in Northeast Ohio has planned five pesticide re-certification sessions for producers. Each of these sessions will offer 3 credits for pesticide re-certification for CORE and All Categories (1-7). Private Pesticide Applicators are encouraged to choose the session which best fits their schedule. Cost: $35/Person
Fertilizer Applicator Re-Certification:
Does your Private or Commercial Fertilizer Applicators Certification expire soon? A one-hour session will be held after the pesticide session for those who need to renew their Fertilizer Application Certification. Cost: $10/Person
Re-certification Programs:
Trumbull Co. Extension Office in Cortland, Ohio -Wednesday, January 19, 2022, 5:00 PM –9:00 PM
Pesticide starts a 5:00 PM, Fertilizer starts at 8:00 PM
For more information call: 330-638-6783
Geauga Co. Extension Office in Burton, Ohio -Wednesday, February 2, 2022, 1:00 PM –5:00 PM
Pesticide starts a 1:00 PM, Fertilizer starts at 4:00 PM
For more information call: 440-834-4656
Online via Zoom, Tuesday, February 8, 2022, 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Zoom link will be sent via email
Portage County Soil & Water Office in Ravenna -Tuesday, March 1, 2022, 1:00 PM –5:00 PM
Pesticide starts a 1:00 PM, Fertilizer starts at 4:00 PM
For more information call: 330-296-6432
Ashtabula Co. Extension Office in Jefferson, Ohio -Monday, March 28, 2022, 1:00 PM –5:00 PM
Pesticide starts a 1:00 PM, Fertilizer starts at 4:00 PM
For more information call: 440-576-9008
Online via Zoom, Wednesday, March 30, 2022, 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Zoom link will be sent via email
To register for a session, complete the REGISTRATION FORM, make check payable to OSU Extension and mail to:
Trumbull County OSU Extension, 520 West Main Street, Suite 1, Cortland, Ohio 44410
You can also register and pay via credit or debit card at this link: https://go.osu.edu/2022recertificationpatfact
2022 ODA Pesticide Testing Sessions
Are you looking to take obtain your private or commercial pesticide license or wish to add an additional category to your existing license? The Ohio Department of Agriculture will be holding testing sessions during the winter/spring in Northeast Ohio. These tests are administered by the Ohio Department of Agriculture and are held at Extension offices in northeast Ohio as a courtesy to producers. Pre-registration is required for each location and can be made by calling the ODA at 614-728-6987 or 1-800-282-1955 (press 3 then 1). Online exam registration can also be made at https://agri.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/oda/divisions/plant-health/pesticid...
Study materials online can be found at: http://pested.osu.edu/privatestudy.html
Testing dates for Geauga County:
All tests begin at 10am, and will be located at the Geauga County OSU Extension Office (Patterson Center, located on the Geauga County Fairgrounds)
February 23, March 23, April 27, May 25, and June 22
Pesticide applicator recordkeeping form
Pesticide Resources:
Pesticide License Information Website from Ohio Department of Agriculture user can check status of recertification credits and do other searches on this page.
Pesticide License Renewal Form for Private Applicators
Pesticide License Change of Information Form
Ohio Pesticide Safety Education Program Study Materials
Click here to view the study materials for taking the ODA Commercial or Private Applicator's License Exam. Click on the Commercial Applicator or Private Applicator tabs near the top of the page and choose study materials in the drop down list.
Need to Add a Category or Re-Take the Test?
The Ohio Department of Agriculture will be holding testing clinics. For the locations and to register for a test click here https://agri.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/oda/divisions/plant-health/pesticid...
Need test strips to test your water?
Aquacheck Red/Bromine Test Strips - 50 strips per bottle
Tests for Total Bromine, pH, Total Alkalinity and Total Hardness